Why I'm a Mormon

I'm a Mormon.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

1st Day in Santa Maria, California 6/7/2010

Arrived in Santa Maria California on Sunday afternoon following a long 6 1/2 hour drive over the desert. Managed to hook up with Alyssa, Brittney and Mama Cass in the desert at Barstow. What a treat that was since I hadn't seen Alyssa all weekend. Was able to say hi for five minutes, buy some gas and be on our way in opposite directions. Man I miss the family when working so far away.

Santa Maria first impressions: Small town and kind of old. Looks alot like North Nellis at first glance driving down Broadway avenue. Found a nice hotel to stay in that was built less then a year ago. (Candlewood Suites0 Pretty nice and quite. Loved the temps here since it was 110 in Las Vegas today and I see 76 degree's on the thermometer on the truck. Awesome.

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