Why I'm a Mormon

I'm a Mormon.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers Day 2010

Woke up this morning in California with my wife Julene. It was so nice to have her visit me and to spend most of the weekend with her. Opened gifts from my girls that Julene brought with her. The gifts were very nice and touching to me. Today is hard for me sine it is the first time since I have had children that I have not been with any of them. I wish they were here but we will just have to celebrate next weekend when I am home. Julene and I took a walk on the beach today and picked up some small rocks and shells for the girls. Had a blast and it is very peaceful.

I realized today just how much it means to me to have four loving daugters and a loving wife that I care so much about and that care so much for me. It is and has always been a true blessing to have them. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for allowing and trusting me to have all these beautiful girls in my life. I love each and everyone of them with all my heart and soul. They know that I love them and I know that they love me to.

I was sad that I had to miss Danielle's talk in church today. I am sure she did a wonderful talk and that Rebecca also sang beautifully for this day as well. I look forward to talking to them tonight.

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